Call for Applications – BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
1st regional Training of Trainers
Sustainable farming and rural development
13-16 February 2024
Tirana, Albania
Within the framework of the regional project “Farm to Fork Academy for Green Western Balkans – Our shared European future”, funded by European Commission, the Farm to Fork Academy is being launched (Fact sheet of the project: )
The Academy aims to enhance capacities and serve as a resource center for the civil society sector and other rural stakeholders, facilitating information exchange and knowledge transfer on relevant topics pertaining to Farm to Fork Strategy. These training topics include food sustainability, on-arm biodiversity protection, environmentally friendly and organic farming, integrated rural development, smart on-farms technologies, and farming methods.
As part of the Farm to Fork Academy, a regional “Training of Trainers – ToT” on Sustainable farming and rural development will be conducted four times from February to September 2024. The ToT is intended for representatives of the civil society sector from the 6-WB countries, offering comprehensive learning experiences (6WB countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia)
The objective of the ToT is to build competencies of civil society organisations (CSOs) in sustainable food systems and rural livelihoods, enabling them to transfer the postulates of the EU Green Deal and F2F Strategy to rural areas across the WB-6 countries.
Participation in the ToT is expected to equip each participant with increased knowledge and skills in rural development, transforming them into active and effective agents of change, assisting farming and rural communities toward green and just transition across the region.
The content of the regional ToT has been developed by four experienced experts from academia who will deliver the respective session out of the following four:
- Agroecology
- Sustainable Horticultural Production
- Organic Farming
- Circular Economy
The Academy invites representatives from CSOs in the WB-6 countries to apply and participate in the first round of ToT on Sustainable food systems and rural development that will be organized in Tirana, Albania from 13 to 16 February 2024.
Language requirements: Very good knowledge of English language
Participation in the training of Trainers does not require the payment of a fee. All cost for your participation, including accommodation, meals and transport will be covered by the “Farm to Fork Academy project. Agenda and further logistical information will be provided to the selected candidates. A certificate will be awarded upon completion of the whole ToT programme.
The number of participants is limited, two representatives from each of the WB-6 countries. For all CSOs representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina interested to apply for participation in the training, please follow the provided application form.
Call for applications for participating in the ToT will be opened until January 25th, 2024
Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your competencies and become an active and effective agent of change in promoting sustainable farming and rural development,
Join us in shaping a shared European future through the F2F Academy.
Link for applicants: